(c) Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available.
This list is somewhat obsolete,
since our FCEUultra collection is more effective.
FCEU-ultra: N.E.S. Cheat Codes (can be used on your computer)
Plus, we've created a few original Game genie codes, as well.
(especially: Super Mario Brothers)
Original Game-Genie Codes for FCEUultra
The following Game Genie Codes are from the original User Manual.
1942(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PASIOALE Both players start with 9 rolls
2 IESUTYZA Start with 6 lives, 1-player game only
3 AESUTYZE Start with 9 lives, 1-player game only
4 IAKUUAZA After continue, player 1 has 6 lives in 2-player
5 AAKUUAZE After continue, player 1 has 9 lives in 2-player
6 IASUOAZA Player 2 has 6 lives in 2-player game
7 AASUOAZE Player 2 has 9 lives in 2-player game
1942 is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.
1943(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZESNLLLE 10 power points
2 GOSNLLLA 20 power points
3 TOSNLLLE 30 power points
4 AEVYZLAE Start on mission 5
5 ZOVYZLAA Start on mission 10
6 GOVYZLAE Start on mission 15
7 TXVYZLAA Start on mission 20
1943 is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.
3D Worldrunner(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEUOLTPA Infinite lives
2 PEUPPTLA + PLVOLTLL Start with 1 life
3 TEUPPTLA + TLVOLTLL Start with 6 lives
4 PEUPPTLE + PLVOLTLU Start with 9 lives
5 SXUPZGVG Freeze timer
6 NNXOYGEK Slow down timer
7 AVXOYGEG Speed up timer
8 AEUOVIGA Start with and keep
laser missiles
9 OXUONISX Autofire
10 XZEAUOOZ + PAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 2
11 XZEAUOOZ + ZAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 3
12 XZEAUOOZ + LAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 4
13 XZEAUOOZ + GAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 5
14 XZEAUOOZ + IAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 6
15 XZEAUOOZ + TAEAKPAA + VAEASPSA Start on world 7
3D WorldRunner is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
720 Degrees(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUYASVK Infinite continues
2 PEXKLZLE 9 continues
3 TEXKLZLA 6 continues
4 PEXKLZLA No continues, instead of usual 2
5 GEKKYZAA Start with all equipment
6 ZEKKYZAA Start with half equipment
720 Degrees is a trademark of Atari Games Corp. Used by Mindscape
Inc. under license.
8 Eyes(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXOUSUSE Most attacks won't damage Orin(tm)
2 GXNGNOSE Most attacks won't damage Cutrus(tm)
3 AGVXGXYZ Start with more energy--Orin
4 AGVXIXYZ Start with more energy--Cutrus
5 YZVXTZAE Start game with some item power
6 GXSLKVSE Never lose item power once gained
7 VTOVNTVA Start game with dagger
8 Eyes, Orin and Cutrus are trademarks of Taxan USA Corp.
Addams Family(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEVGGALA Start with 1 life--1st game only
2 TEVGGALA Start with 6 lives--1st game only
3 PEVGGALE Start with 9 lives--1st game only
4 GXSVAUVK Infinite lives
5 GXKKZSVK Infinite life
6 GXEVLVVK Infinite Things(tm)
7 PEKGTAAA Start in the tree
8 ZEKGTAAA Start in the crypt
9 LEKGTAAA Start in the hallway
10 AEKGTAAE Start in Fester's(tm) room
11 PEKGTAAE Start in Pugsly's(tm) room
12 ZEKGTAAE Start in the toy room
13 LEKGTAAE Start in Wednesday's(tm) room
14 GEKGTAAE Start in the attic
15 YEKGTAAE Start in a secret room
16 AOKGTAAA Start in a secret room
17 POKGTAAA Start in a secret room
18 IOKGTAAE Start in the bone room
19 PXKGTAAA Start in the freezer
20 ZXKGTAAA Start in the furnace
21 AXKGTAAA Start in Gomez's(tm) room
The Addams Family, Thing, Fester, Pugsly, Wednesday and Gomez are
trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation.
Adventure Island II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEXVAALA 2 lives
2 TEXVAALA 7 lives
3 PEXVAALE 10 lives
4 SXNLOKVK Infinite lives
5 SZUIGEVK Infinite energy
6 AENZTPAZ Reversible skateboard
7 ALKXAAAZ Faster running
8 AAKSEYZA Don't lose energy from hitting objects
Adventure Island II is a trademark of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.
Adventure Island 3 (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PESZAALA Start with 2 lives
2 TESZAALA Start with 7 lives
3 PESZAALE Start with 9 lives
4 SXNLISSE Infinite lives
5 GXUUGOSO Keep items after dying--after 1st stage
6 VTVZZESE Start with 2 Red Taylors(tm)
7 VTVZIESE Start with 2 Blue Taylors
8 VTVXAESE Start with 2 Classies(tm)
9 VTVXLESE Start with 2 Don-Dons(tm)
10 VTVXTESE Start with 2 Poleys(tm)
11 VTNZPESE Start with 2 boomerangs
12 VTNZGESE Start with 2 axes
13 VTNZYESE Start with 2 invincibility crystals
14 SUEZEXLN Mega-jumping Master Higgins(tm)
15 AAKXGTZA Get 99 lives when you pick up 100 fruit
Adventure Island 3, Master Higgins, Taylor, Classie, Don-Don and
Poley are trademarks of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.
Adventures In The Magic Kingdom(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 LAKUTGTA 'Life' costs less
2 GAKUTGTE 'Life' costs more
3 GAKUYKAA 'Freeze' costs less
4 YAKUYKAE 'Freeze' costs more
5 IASLAKZA 'Invincible' costs less
6 GPSLAKZA 'Invincible' costs more
7 TASLPKGA 'Life Up' costs less
8 APSLPKGE 'Life Up' costs more
9 GXELLXSN + AAXUAXGY All items for free!
10 PEVEIALA Start with 1 life
11 TEVEIALA Start with 6 lives
12 PEVEIALE Start with 9 lives
13 SXKYUOVK Never lose a life in 'attractions'
14 NYKULZKU More 'Freeze' time
15 AGKULZKL Less 'Freeze' time
16 EGSUYXGL More 'Invincible' time
17 SZSTGVVK Infinite candles
18 EYKVNKXN Mega-jump
Adventures In The Magic Kingdom is a trademark of The Walt Disney
Company. Used by Capcom USA, Inc. under license.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZOVLLVG Infinite lives
2 PEKVIZYA + SXOOUKVK Infinite energy
3 AAETAGZA Start with 1 life
4 IAETAGZA Start with 6 lives
5 AAETAGZE Start with 9 lives
10 IAEVZGAA + UYEVGKPU + AAEVAGGA Start on level 6
11 TAEVZGAA + UYEVGKPU + AAEVAGGA Start on level 7
12 YAEVZGAA + UYEVGKPU + AAEVAGGA Start on level 8
The Adventures of Bayou Billy is a trademark of Konami Inc.
Adventures of Dino-Riki(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEETTVG Start with infinite lives
2 AESEPGZA Start with 1 life
3 IESEPGZA Start with 6 lives
4 AESEPGZE Start with 9 lives
5 SZUENZVG Start with infinite life hearts
6 GESEIGZA Start with 4 life hearts
7 AESEIGZE Start with 8 life hearts
8 VKEAPISA Start Macho (big), stay Macho
9 VVEAPISA Start as Macho-Riki(tm)
10 IEVASPIG Once Macho, stay Macho
11 TKSAAGSA + ZEKEIGAA Start on stage 2-1
12 TKSAAGSA + GEKEIGAA Start on stage 3-1
13 TKSAAGSA + TEKEIGAA Start on stage 4-1
14 TKSAAGSA + AEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-2
15 TKSAAGSA + ZEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-3
16 TKSAAGSA + GEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-4
Adventures of Dino-Riki and Macho-Riki are trademarks of Hudson
Soft USA, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOPSPVG Infinite lives
2 PEKPOAIA 1 life for Lolo(tm)
3 PEKPOAIE 9 lives for Lolo
Adventures of Lolo and Lolo are trademarks of HAL America, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZXPVLVG Infinite lives
2 PESPXPIA Start with 1 life
3 ZESPXPIE Start with 10 lives
4 YESPXPIE Start with 15 lives
5 ZAEPSZAA Start with 2 magic shots
6 GAEPSZAA Start with 4 magic shots
7 GXNXUAVG Never lose magic shots
8 GEUPKPAA Start at world 5
9 PEUPKPAE Start at world 10
10 TEUPKPAE Start at world 15
11 LOUPKPAA Start at world 20
12 AOUPKPAE Start at world 25
13 IOUPKPAE Start at world 30
Adventures of Lolo 2 is a trademark of HAL America, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo 3(tm)
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOASZVG Infinite shots for the room on pick-up
Adventures of Lolo 3 is a trademark of HAL America, Inc.
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAOEZAGA Start with 2 lives
2 AAOEYEZA + AEEIGXZA Start game with no bombs
3 TPOEYEZE Start game with 30 bombs
4 TAVE YGYA Rocky(tm) loses no energy when flying
5 TAVEAGZA Rocky loses more energy when flying
6 AANAIGPA Bullwinkle(tm) loses no energy when
7 AANAPGGE Bullwinkle loses more energy when
8 SZNEUKVK Infinite lives
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Rocky and Bullwinkle are
trademarks of Ward Productions, Inc.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VZOGGPVG Infinite Toms
2 PEUZIALA Player 1 starts with 1 Tom
3 PANXLLLA Player 2 starts with 1 Tom
4 TEUZIALA Player 1 starts with 6 Toms
5 TANXLLLA Player 2 starts with 6 Toms
6 PEUZIALE Player 1 starts with 9 Toms
7 PANXLLLE Player 2 starts with 9 Toms
8 IAXGTSZA Only 5 T's lost from skulls
9 OGSZZSVU Start at the river--Player 1
10 KISZZSVL Start in the forest--Player 1
11 NISZZSVU Start in the house--Player 1
12 XTSZZSVU Start in the sky--Player 1
13 SYSZZSVL Start in the cave--Player 1
14 ZEEZALPA + AEEXZLLE Start at the river--Player 2
15 LEEZALPA + IEEXZLLE Start in the forest--Player 2
16 GEEZALPA + ZOEXZLLA Start in the house--Player 2
17 IEEZALPA + YOEXZLLA Start in the sky--Player 2
18 TEEZALPA + GOEXZLLE Start in the cave--Player 2
Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a trademark of SETA USA, Inc.
Air Fortress(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUPKGVG Infinite lives
outside fortress
2 PAVPKZLA Start with 1 life
3 TAVPKZLA Start with 6 lives
4 PAVPKZLE Start with 9 lives
5 GXKKSIST + GXNKNIST Don't take damage
inside fortress
6 AAKPSTPA Infinite Beam Bullets(tm)
10 XZSOXXPZ + GASOUZYA + VASOKZSA Start on level 5
11 XZSOXXPZ + IASOUZYA + VASOKZSA Start on level 6
12 XZSOXXPZ + TASOUZYA + VASOKZSA Start on level 7
13 APKZNGIA Pick up double bombs
14 YYNXUZGV + YNEZEZGV Pick up extra energy
Air Fortress and Beam Bullets are trademarks of HAL America, Inc.
Airwolf (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAUGVILA Start with 1 life
2 TAUGVILA Start with 6 lives
3 PAUGVILE Start with 9 lives
4 PVXKKKLI Start at last mission reached
5 TPVAPXYE Start with 30 missiles
6 IZVAPXYE Start with 45 missiles
7 GXSZAPVG Start with infinite missiles
8 IEVAISYA Sets missiles to 5 when you refuel
9 TOVAISYE Sets missiles to 30 when you refuel
Airwolf is a trademark of Universal City Studios, Inc. Used by
Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., under license.
Alfred Chicken(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AASGITZA Start with 1 life
2 PASGITZA Start with 2 lives
3 EVKNKAPA Infinite lives
4 AVULEESZ Infinite time
5 OZXKXZOU + LAXKUZPI 3 balloons needed to complete A level
6 OZXKXZOU + ZAXKUZPI 2 balloons needed to complete A level
7 OZXKXZOU + PAXKUZPI 1 balloon needed to complete A level
8 NNXYKPZU 255 points for each present collected
9 GVXYKPZL 108 points for each present collected
10 PAKLTPTA Only need 1 diamond for an extra life
Alfred Chicken and related names are trademarks of Twilight.
Alien Syndrome (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUNYXVK Infinite time
2 GUONPPLL Set timer to 440
3 PAOGPIGA Both players--1 life
4 AAOGPIGE Both players--8 lives
5 PAVKGIAA Start with flame thrower
6 ZAVKGIAA Start with fireball
7 LAVKGIAA Start with laser
8 AEEKXONY Don't lose life when shot or touched
9 AANGVXNY Don't lose life from falling down holes
10 PEXGGLGA 1 life after continue
11 AEXGGLGE 8 lives after continue
12 PENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 2
13 ZENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 3
14 LENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 4
15 GENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 5
16 IENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 6
17 TENNELAP + KUNNXLAA + LENNULAZ Start on round 7
Alien Syndrome is a trademark of Sega Enterprises Ltd.
Alpha Mission(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXSPYZVG Infinite lives
2 PASATLLA Start with 1 life
3 TASATLLA Start with double lives
4 PASATLLE Start with triple lives
5 NYKAYLLE Start with all weapons available
6 GZNAILSA Keep power up after death
7 GZNAYLSA Keep energy after death
8 GAEOUEAA Thunder uses 25% normal energy
9 TEXLPTZA Triple energy gained on 'E' pick-up
10 ZEULGTGA Less energy lost on 'Bad E' pick-ups
11 SZEGGASA Shield doesn't use energy
12 IZNAEGSA You can re-use weapon after selecting
Alpha Mission is a trademark of SNK Corp. of America
Amagon (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXGNYPA Start with infinite lives
2 PEOVIZGA Start with 1 life
3 AEOVIZGE Start with 8 lives
4 GZSZIZSP Infinite mega-power
5 PEOVPZGA Start with no bullets!
6 YEOVPZGA Start with 600 bullets
7 AAVYLTPA Start with infinite bullets
8 PAVKUIZA Gain 10 bullets on pick-up
9 LAVKUIZA Gain 30 bullets on pick-up
Amagon is a trademark of American Sammy Corporation.
American Gladiators (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEXALTIA Start with 1 life--player 1
2 AEXALTIE Start with 8 lives--player 1
3 ZEXALTIE Start with 10 lives--player 1
4 GOXALTIA Start with 20 lives--player 1
5 PEVALTIA Start with 1 life--player 2
6 AEVALTIE Start with 8 lives--player 2
7 ZEVALTIE Start with 10 lives--player 2
8 GOVALTIA Start with 20 lives--player 2
9 PEXAPTAA Start on level 2--player 1
10 ZEXAPTAA Start on level 3--player 1
11 LEXAPTAA Start on level 4--player 1
12 PEVAPTAA Start on level 2--player 2
13 ZEVAPTAA Start on level 3--player 2
14 LEVAPTAA Start on level 4--player 2
15 GLUOZGLV Less joust time
16 GZXXLUVK Stop joust timer
17 GLOEGALV Less cannonball time
18 GZEPGOVK Stop cannonball time
19 GLKXXZLV Less wall time
20 GXOXEXVS Stop wall timer
21 LTXATNIL More assault time
22 PZXATNIU Less assault time
23 GZSAINVK Stop assault timer
24 LTSOZOIL More power ball time--level 1
25 LTSOLOAL More power ball time--level 2
26 LTSOGPLL More power ball time--level 3
27 LTSOIOTZ More power ball time--level 4
American Gladiators is a trademark of The Samuel Goldwyn Co.
Anticipation (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZUUPYNPP More time to answer questions
2 YEUPYNPO Less time to answer questions
3 AANZATEG Infinite chances
Anticipation is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Arch Rivals(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ALXLNZGU + ALNLPPGU More time for a quarter
2 ZLXLNZGL + ZLNLPPGL Less time for a quarter
3 AVNPLAAZ + ATVPAPAZ Run faster without ball
Arch Rivals is a trademark of Midway Manufacturing Company.
Archon(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AASSIEUT Unrestricted ground movement
2 AAKIGAGA Unrestricted flying movement
Archon is a trademark of Free Fall Associates and Electronic Arts.
Arkanoid(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAOPUGLA Player 1 start with 1 life
2 TAOPUGLA Player 1 start with 6 lives
3 PAOPUGLE Player 1 start with 9 lives
4 OZNEATVK Infinite lives, players 1 & 2
5 IAOONGPA Player 1 start at level 5
6 ZAOONGPE Player 1 start at level 10
7 YAOONGPE Player 1 start at level 15
8 GPOONGPA Player 1 start at level 20
9 PPOONGPE Player 1 start at level 25
10 TPOONGPE Player 1 start at level 30
11 SXNAIAAX No bat enhancement capsules
12 SXVATAAX No lasers
Arkanoid is a trademark of Taito Corporation.
Arkista's Ring (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAKETILA 1 life
2 TAKETILA 6 lives
3 PAKETILE 9 lives
4 SZULXKVK Infinite lives
5 ZAKATIIA Start with fewer hearts
6 PAKATIIE Start with more hearts
7 LAEPYSYA Less damage from powerful monsters
8 GZOPTIST Infinite energy
9 IPUAGSLA 20 continues
10 TAUAGSLA 5 continues
Arkista's Ring is a trademark of American Sammy Corp.
Astyanax(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AUEKGUAP Infinite spell energy
2 SZUGTISA Infinite life energy
3 AZKAVZGO Double life and spell energy
4 AEUEUGZA + AASAXZZA Start with 1 life
5 IEUEUGZA + IASAXZZA Start with double lives
6 AEUEUGZE + AASAXZZE Start with triple lives
7 PAKEKZAA Start with Blast Spell
8 ZAKEKZAA Start with Bind Spell
9 GPKAXZGA Start with extra weapon power
10 SZUGEUVK Keep weapons after death
Astyanax is a trademark of Jaleco USA, Inc.
Athena(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEKNLPZA Start with 1 life
2 IEKNLPZA Start with 6 lives
3 AEKNLPZE Start with 9 lives
4 GZUZLISA Don't take any damage (after first 2 units)
5 AXKNYOGA Start with energy boost
6 AAULLYPA Freeze timer
7 YASVAYIA Start with extra time
8 GASVAYIA Start with less time
Athena is a trademark of SNK Corp. of America.
Back to the Future(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEXEGAGA Start with 1 life
2 AEXEGAGE Start with 8 lives
3 SZKEGOVK Never lose a life in Hill Valley game
4 SXOELOVK Never lose a life in Cafe game
5 SXKALOVK Never lose a life in School game
6 SXVELOVK Never lose a life in Dancing Hall game
7 AVVOUZSZ Disable all timers
Back to the Future is a trademark of Universal City Studios Inc. Used
by LJN Toys, Ltd. under license.
Back to the Future II & III(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAXKZZPA 20 lives
2 LAXKZZPA 30 lives
3 SXXELOVK Infinite lives
4 ZAXKYZPA 20 nuclear fuel units
5 LAXKYZPA 30 nuclear fuel units
6 GZEEPZST + GZOEZZST Infinite fuel
7 PEKASEPO Quicker shots
8 GZKAKGSA Keep shots
Back to the Future II & III is a trademark of Universal City Studios
Inc. Used by LJN Toys, Ltd. under license.
Bad Dudes(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNKASVK Infinite lives
2 GXOKASVK Infinite continues
3 PENXYZLA Start with 1 life and 1 continue
4 TENXYZLA Start with double lives and continues
5 PENXYZLE Start with triple lives and continues
6 PESAIYIE Gain double usual energy from drinks
7 APEETPEY Become completely invincible!
Bad Dudes is a trademark of Data East USA, Inc.
Bad Street Brawler (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OZOIYPVK Infinite lives
2 PAXITALA Start with 1 life
3 TAXITALA Start with 6 lives
4 PAXITALE Start with 9 lives
5 GEUZZYAA Start on level 5
6 PEUZZYAE Start on level 10
7 TEUZZYAE Start on level 15
8 SZOITNVK Don't die at time out
Bad Street Brawler is a trademark of Mattel, Inc.
Balloon Fight(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SUNNIZVI Infinite lives
2 AENYPPZA Start with 1 life
3 IENYPPZA Start with 6 lives
4 AENYPPZE Start with 9 lives
5 PEUYTLZA Start with only one balloon
6 AVXTNYKA Balloons are unburstable
7 GENNIPAA Start on level 5--2 players only
8 PENNIPAE Start on level 10--2 players only
9 TENNIPAE Start on level 15--2 players only
Balloon Fight is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Barbie(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXKSKNVK Infinite Z's on Dream Meter(tm)
2 PEEZEZIE Start with nine Z's on Dream Meter--1st credit only
3 PEEZEZIA Start with one Z--1st credit only
4 SZVAAVVK Can re-enter Barbie's dream an infinite
number of times
5 AEEEYAZA Cannot re-enter Barbie's dream
Barbie and Dream Meter are trademarks of Mattel, Inc.
Bases Loaded 4 (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNXGUVV Balls do not count
2 SXOXYUVV Strikes do not count
3 PEOXGLZA 2 strikes and you're out
4 LEOXGLZA 4 strikes and you're out
5 AANZGLLA 1 ball and you walk
6 PANZGLLA 2 balls and you walk
7 ZANZGLLA 3 balls and you walk
8 PANPUTAA + PEOETGAA Some batters start with count of
1 and 1
9 ZANPUTAA + ZEOETGAA Some batters start with count of
2 and 2
Bases Loaded 4 is a trademark of Jaleco USA Inc.
Batman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUGGTVG Infinite lives
2 AEESKGZA Start with 1 life
3 IEESKGZA Start with 6 lives
4 AEESKGZE Start with 9 lives
5 GEEPOTPA Extra energy on heart pick-up
6 GZNOUGST Infinite pellets after pick-up
7 GPSPXVZA Double us~ual pellets on pick-up
8 IASPXVZA Half usual pellets on pick-up
Batman is a trademark of DC Comics Inc. Used by Sun Corporation of
America under license.
Batman: Return of the Joker(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZXZONSE Protection from enemy bullets
2 SZSZKXSE Protection from collisions
3 SXSATXSE Protection from "electric grids"
4 AEXILGZA Start with 1 life
5 GVXILGZA Start with 100 lives
6 GAVXVLZA Each Backpack Energy Capsule(tm) counts as two
7 AAVXVLZE Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as four
8 AAKOPIZA Invincibility lasts until next stage
9 GEOSPKVN Start with 7 Backpack Energy Capsules instead of
10 GEOSTKTA Start game with 3 life increments instead of 8
11 GASOTOTA Continue game with 3 life increments instead of 8
12 SZXSZSVK Infinite lives
13 GXEUIOSE Don't get stunned when hit
14 AEUUAPGA + GXKLAOKE Stand your ground!
15 VNULTONN + PEUUGPAA INTENSE knock-back when hit!
Batman Return of the Joker, and Backpack Energy Capsules are
trademarks of DC Comics Inc.
Batman Returns(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXSKGKVK Infinite Batarangs(tm)
2 PAXELAIE Start with 9 Batarangs
3 YLOALEAX Start with full energy
4 APOALEAZ Start with less energy
5 AAVASZZA Don't lose energy from spin attack
6 GZEGLVSE Almost infinite lives and energy
7 AUSAPPAP Lots more energy from small hearts
8 YAKZTIZE Power punch
9 YAKXLIIE Power slide attack
10 ZPKXZIIE Power jump kick
Batman Return and Batarangs are trademarks of DC Comics Inc.
Battle of Olympus(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAUGPAAO Start with less stamina
2 AZUGPAAP Start with more stamina
3 PAUGYAAA + GZUKGASA + GZUKTASA Start with Staff of
6 AAEGOZZA Start with Sandals of Hermes(tm)
Battle of Olympus, Staff of Fennel, Divine Sword and Sandals of
Hermes are trademarks of Broderbund Software Inc.
Battleship(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEUAUGIA 1 round per level
2 LEUAUGIA 3 rounds per level
10 SZUAOSOU Each ship can take only 1 hit
11 SAXAOISP You have only RIM-66 missiles
Battleship is a trademark of Milton Bradley Company, a Division of
Hasbro Inc.
Battletank(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SLXTEEVS Infinite ammo!
2 TOVZIAZL Start with half 150mm ammo
3 LVVZIAZL Start with double 150mm ammo
4 ZUVXTAPA Start with more wire guided shells
5 LVVXTAPA Start with max wire guided shells
6 ZUNXAAPA Start with more smoke shells
7 LVNXAAPA Start with max smoke shells
8 LGEZPPVO Start with less 50mm shells
9 NYEZPPVO Start with max 50mm shells
10 GTEZIOEG Start with less 50mm ammo after mission 5
11 NYEZIOEK Start with max 50mm ammo after mission 5
12 SXOPAAVT + SXSLNPSA Take infinite hits
Battletank is a trademark of Absolute Entertainment, Inc.
Battletoads(tm) Game
1 PENVZILA 1 life
2 TENVZILA 6 lives
3 PENVZILE 9 lives
4 GXXZZLVI Infinite lives
5 GXEILUSO Enemies easier to kill
6 EYSAUVEI Mega-jumping
7 AEUZITPA Super fast punching
8 ZAXAALAA Start on level 2 -- Wookie Hole(tm)
9 LAXAALAA Start on level 3 -- Turbo Tunnel(tm)
10 GAXAALAA Start on level 4 -- Arctic Cavern(tm)
11 IAXAALAA Start on level 5 -- Surf City(tm)
12 TAXAALAA Start on level 6 -- Karnath's Lair(tm)
13 YAXAALAA Start on level 7 -- Volkmire's Inferno(tm)
14 AAXAALAE Start on level 8 -- Intruder Excluder(tm)
15 PAXAALAE Start on level 9 -- Terra Tubes(tm)
16 ZAXAALAE Start on level 10 -- Rat Race(tm)
17 LAXAALAE Start on level 11 -- Clinger Winger(tm)
18 GAXAALAE Start on level 12 -- The Revolution(tm)!
19 AOUKXNAA Double energy from flies
20 YXUKXNAE Maximum energy from flies!
Battletoads, Wookie Hole, Turbo Tunnel, Arctic Cavern, Surf City,
Karnath's Lair, Volkmire's Inferno, Intruder Excluder, Terra Tubes,
Rat Race, Clinger Winger and The Revolution are trademarks of Rare,
Battletoads and Double Dragon(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 IEEOOALA Start with full lives
2 AEEOOALA Start with 1 life
3 GXXLAAVI Infinite lives (except stage 4)
4 GZSOXPVI Infinite lives on stage 4
5 PEVELZZE Start with 10 continues
6 IYKNIKGX Bonus score now gives invincibility
(instead of invincibility pod)
7 YPSYPGIE Longer invincibility
8 ILSYPGIA Even longer invincibility
9 AOSEVAZA Double Dragon(tm) super punch
10 AOUEUAGA Battletoads(tm) super punch
11 AXUIPOYA Stronger enemies
Battletoads is a trademark of Rare Ltd. Double Dragon is a trademark
of Technos Japan Corporation.
Baseball Stars II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSSZSVV Strikes do not count
2 SXSITKVV Balls do not count
3 PAVIPILA One strike for an out
4 ZAVIPILA Two strikes for an out
5 GAVIPILA Four strikes for an out
6 IAVIPILA Five strikes for an out (only 3 show on screen)
7 PESSIGGA One ball for a walk
8 ZESSIGGA Two balls for a walk
9 LESSIGGA Three balls for a walk
10 IESSIGGA Five balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen)
11 TESSIGGA Six balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen)
Vs. Mode Codes:
12 PANILTLA One out per side instead of 3
13 ZANILTLA Two outs per side
14 GANILTLA Four outs per side
Vs. the Computer Codes:
15 PAOAILLA One out per side instead of 3
16 ZAOAILLA Two outs per side
17 GAOAILLA Four outs per side
18 PEXPVGLZ Game ends after 1 inning
19 LEXPVGLZ Game ends after 2 innings
20 TEXPVGLZ Game ends after 3 innings
21 AEXPVGLX Game ends after 4 innings
22 ZEXPVGLX Game ends after 5 innings
23 GEXPVGLX Game ends after 6 innings
24 TEXPVGLX Game ends after 7 innings
25 AOXPVGLZ Game ends after 8 innings
Baseball Stars II is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Bee 52(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXSGOSVK Infinite lives
2 SZXNXTAX Keep pick-ups
4 GZSSTTEI Don't get stunned
5 PAXYKGLA Start with 1 life
6 TAXYKGLA Start with 6 lives
7 PAXYKGLE Start with 9 lives
Bee 52 is a trademark of Codemasters Software Ltd.
Beetlejuice(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZOIYKVK Infinite lives
2 PEOAAALA 1 life
3 TEOAAALA 6 lives
4 PEOAAALE 9 lives
5 AAOITYPA Infinite hits
6 PEOAIAZA + PENSYLZA Take fewer hits to die
Beetlejuice is a trademark of The Geffen Film Company.
Best of the Best Championship Karate(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AANIGYPA + VTNIPYSA Each round is 0:10 instead of 1:00
2 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + ZANIANTI Each round is 0:20
3 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + LANIANTI Each round is 0:30
4 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + GANIANTI Each round is 0:40
5 AANIGYPA + OZVSYYSE + IANIANTI Each round is 0:50
6 ZANIGYPA Each round is 2:00
7 LANIGYPA Each round is 3:00
8 GANIGYPA Each round is 4:00
9 IANIGYPA Each round is 5:00
10 TANIGYPA Each round is 6:00
11 YANIGYPA Each round is 7:00
12 AANIGYPE Each round is 8:00
13 PANIGYPE Each round is 9:00
14 PAOSUZIA Each match is 1 round
15 ZAOSUZIA Each match is 2 rounds
16 LAOSUZIA Each match is 3 rounds
17 GAOSUZIA Each match is 4 rounds
18 TAOSUZIA Each match is 6 rounds
19 SXVSAZVG Infinite time (round never ends)
20 OXNSGIOU + TONSIIZE All physical types are 30
21 OXNSGIOU + ZUNSIIZA All physical types are 50
22 ZLEAZETP Start with 50 resistance points
23 ZLEAPEAZ Start with 50 strength points
24 ZLEALAGP Start with 50 reflex points
25 TGEAZETP Start with 70 resistance points
26 TGEAPEAZ Start with 70 strength points
27 TGEALAGP Start with 70 reflex points
28 AAEVVAGE + AEETOPZA Gain more strength and reflex
points in training
29 APEVVAGA + AEETOPZA Gain more resistance points in
Best of the Best Championship Karate is a trademark of Loriciel S.A.
Bigfoot(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SUKXVUVS Infinite nitros
2 VTVUYOVN + SZVUAOSE Player 1 gets player 2's nitros
3 NNKXXLGV Longer nitro boost
4 AXKXXLGT Shorter nitro boost
5 GEKAOKAA Engines are half price
6 PEKAOKAE Engines cost more
7 LEKAXGTA Tires are half price
8 PEKAXGTE Tires cost more
9 ZEKAUGGA Transmission work is half price
10 AEKAUGGE Transmission work is double price
11 PEKAKGZA Suspension is half price
12 TEKAKGZA Suspension is triple price
Bigfoot is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Bignose The Caveman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 peuyitla 1 life
2 teuyitla 6 lives
3 peuyitle 9 lives
4 sxotpavg Infinite lives
5 anenakll Slower timer
6 axenakll Faster timer
7 aeeyyzpa Never lose bones when buying
8 xxxyitsz + vekyavse + aougtae Start on Monster Island
9 xxxyitsz + vekyavse + zoungtae Start on Terror Island
Bignose The Caveman is a trademark of Codemasters Software Co.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKUPXVK Infinite skeleton keys
2 SZEKUOSE Infinite coins for locals
3 OUOOUEOO Infinite Good Stuff(tm)
4 SXOTTOSE Phone call segments cost only 1 coin
5 OOKKUTIO Ted starts with 99 coins instead of 15
6 OOSVAPIO Bill starts with 99 coins
7 IEKKUTIP Ted starts with 5 coins
8 IESVAPIP Bill starts with 5 coins
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure and Good Stuff are
trademarks of Nelson Films Inc.
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 EUEKTLEP Accelerate faster
2 SZUETKVK Infinite 'free time' in the pits
3 SXOAZVVK Freezes timer while crew works on car in pits
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge and Bill Elliot are trademarks used
by Konami Industry Co., Ltd. under license from Advantage
Management, Inc.
Bionic Commando(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNUIYVG Infinite lives in main game
2 SXUEZPVG Infinite lives in sub-game
3 AAUGSZZA Start with 1 life
4 IAUGSZZA Start with double lives
5 AAUGSZZE Start with triple lives
6 VGKKNXUK Start with 3-way gun
7 LAUKOZAA + XTUKUXVU Start with 3 life energy capsules
8 SXSTYNVK Don't take damage from bullets and collisions
9 VTNZXVVK Don't take damage from spikes
10 SZUOAOVK Don't take damage from bullets and collisions in
11 XYXUUOEN Autofire--main game
12 AAKUOOZA Use with BIO Code 11 for im-proved autofire with
normal gun
Bionic Commando is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.
Blades of Steel(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GEUGTTYA Faster timer
2 GOUGTTYA Slower timer
3 PAXZLGIA Players can take only one punch
4 AAOSSAAZ Player with puck doesn't slow down
Blades of Steel is a trademark of Konami Inc.
Blaster Master(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUGYIVG Infinite lives
2 AAEGZLZA Start with 1 life
3 IAEGZLZA Start with 6 lives
4 AAEGZLZE Start with 9 lives
5 GZSOEEvK Infinite homing missiles
6 GXKPEOVK Infinite Thunderbreaks(tm)
7 GXSOVXVK Infinite multi-warheads
8 IAEKPLAA Start with 5 of each weapon
9 ZAEKPLAE Start with 10 of each weapon
10 YAEKPLAE Start with 15 of each weapon
Blaster Master and Thunderbreaks are trademarks of Sun Corporation
of America.
Bomberman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXPKAG Infinite lives
2 AEZKLL Start with 1 life
3 PEZKLU Start with 10 lives
4 SZIGAT Stop timer
5 VPGKGG Decrease time
6 VYGKGK Increase timer
7 ZELGYU Start on stage 10
8 GOLGYL Start on stage 20
9 TOLGYU Start on stage 30
10 AXLGYU Start on stage 40
11 ZULGYL Start on stage 50
12 AXKKALAP Start with double power bomb blasts
13 AUKKALAP Start with triple power bomb blasts
14 EEKKALAP Start with maximum power bomb blasts!
15 nyxkuiex Increase bomb detonation time
16 AYXKUIEZ Reduce bomb detonation time
17 XZEGNIVZ + PAEKEIGN Use up to 9 bombs
18 OXEKVPSX + AESKNKTA Start with and keep remote
19 GXEKLGSA Never lose remote controller after pick-up
20 AESKGUIZ Demo start--start with remote controller, bigger
bombs and more bombsboy
21 OXVGITSX Immune to bomb blasts
22 OZNKNNPK + AEEGEYPA Walk through walls
Bomberman is a trademark of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.
Bonk's Adventure(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVZINVK Infinite lives
2 AEKAAAZA Start with 1 life
3 IEKAAAZA Start with 6 lives
4 AEKAAAZE Start with 9 lives
5 GEUAAEGA Start with less initial energy (but more maximum
6 AOUAAEGE Start with more energy
7 GASZTYAA Gain energy from picking up smiles
8 YEXELAAA Start on stage 2-1
9 IEXELAAE Start on stage 3-1
10 ZOXELAAA Start on stage 4-1
11 YOXELAAA Start on Stage 5-1
12 PXXELAAA Start on stage 6-1
Bonk's Adventure and related names are trademarks of Hudson Soft
USA, Inc. NES is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Bomberman 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEEGEPZA Start with 1 life
2 IEEGEPZA Start with 6 lives
3 AEEGEPZE Start with 9 lives
4 GXKGKXVK Infinite lives
5 GXXONEVK Infinite timer
6 LVXOUELL Slower timer
7 TOXOUELU Faster timer
8 AEKAZYLA Always have detonator
9 YNEOLXLK Bomb has a longer fuse
10 AXEOLXLG Bomb has a shorter fuse
11 GXOLSXVS Stop bombs from exploding
12 GAXKSTAA + GASKKTAA Super start
13 OXXAPYSX + PEXAZNVZ Always walk through bombs
14 OXOEGYSX + PEOEINSZ Always walk through walls
15 EASPTANG Dollar sign acts as flame face
16 GYSPTANG Dollar sign acts as bomb
17 KASPTANK Dollar sign acts as heart with bomb
18 OPSPTANG Dollar sign acts as skate
19 OZSPTANK Dollar sign acts as vest for a short time
Bomberman 2 is a trademark of Hudson Soft Co., Ltd.
Boulderdash(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SLEZXTVI Infinite lives
2 PAKIELLA 1 life
3 TAKIELLA 6 lives
4 PAKIELLE 9 lives
5 PEOXEYLA 1 life after continue
6 TEOXEYLA 6 lives after continue
7 PEOXEYLE 9 lives after continue
8 YOSGXNYU Speed up timer
9 NNSGXNYU Slow down timer
10 SXSGSYAX Stop timer
Boulderdash is a trademark of First Star, Inc. Used by Data East
Corporation under license.
A Boy and His Blob(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAULNGIA 1 life only
2 ZAULNGIE Double lives
3 GXXEOPVG Infinite lives
4 SZXLXKSU + YYXLUGEY Gives 101 of all starting Jellybeans
5 AAVKIPPA Infinite Jellybeans
6 SXEEZAAX Fast play
note for blob code 7: in the underwater section, if you lose a life you
may not be able to call your Blob, and therefore become trapped.
If this happens, just reset and start again.
7 AVOGAEOZ Invincible
8 AVOPVGEI Never take damage from enemies
9 APEUUIAA Gives 10 Orange Jellybeans
10 AONUSGAA 10 Lime Jellybeans
11 OONLOGZN 99 Licorice Jellybeans
12 AUNLUGIP Double Strawberry Jellybeans
13 TUNLNKAP Double Cola Jellybeans
14 AKNUOGGX Double Cinnamon Jellybeans
15 GXNUUGZP Double Apple Jellybeans
16 AVNUNGAL Double Vanilla Jellybeans
17 ZPELNITA Double Ketchup Jellybeans
18 AONLSGTE Triple Coconut Jellybeans
19 APELUITE Triple Rootbeer Jellybeans
20 APEUSIAA 10 Vitamin A for Vita-Blaster(tm)
21 APEUNIAA 10 Vitamin B for Vita-Blaster
22 APOLOIAA 10 Vitamin C for Vita-Blaster
A Boy and His Blob, Blob and Vita-Blaster are trademarks of
Absolute Entertainment, Inc.
Bram Stoker's Dracula (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 NUNTZUKU Infinite lives
2 SUXLISVS Infinite energy--except falling off cliffs
3 AEVGPPPA Infinite time
4 ZEVGPPPA Faster timer
5 UUETEIZE Infinite weapons--except scene 1 daytime
6 NNSNGPZE Disable axe
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a trademark of Columbia Pictures
Industries Inc.
Breakthru(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZUKYPVG Infinite lives for both players
2 GZKSLZVG Freeze weapon timer
3 PEUKPZLA Player 1 start with 1 life
4 PEKGGZLA Player 2 start with 1 life
5 TEUKPZLA Player 1 start with 6 lives
6 TEKGGZLA Player 2 start with 6 lives
7 PEUKPZLE Player 1 start with 9 lives
8 PEKGGZLE Player 2 start with 9 lives
9 ZANKLZPA Start game on level 2
10 LANKLZPA Start game on level 3
11 GANKLZPA Start game on level 4
12 IANKLZPA Start game on level 5
13 LTUKTLAA Start each life with 3-way firing and 99 seconds
Breakthru is a trademark of Data East USA, Inc.
BreakTime(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VAVEILSA + PAVEGLAA Start in Milwaukee
2 VAVEILSA + ZAVEGLAA Start in Atlanta
3 VAVEILSA + LAVEGLAA Start in Los Angeles
4 VAVEILSA + GAVEGLAA Start in Las Vegas
BreakTime is a trademark of FCI, Inc.
Bubble Bobble(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAUKEZLA Both players start with 1 life
2 TAUKEZLA Both players start with 6 lives
3 PAUKEZLE Both players start with 9 lives
4 ZAUGEZPE Start game on level 10
5 PPUGEZPE Start game on level 25
6 ZLUGEZPA Start game on level 50
7 LGUGEZPE Start game on level 75
8 ZAOGOLGA Skip only 2 levels
9 ZAOGOLGE Skip 10 levels
10 ZANEAGPA + NNEEAKVN Monsters move faster
11 LANEAGPA + NNEEAKSN Monsters move super fast
12 LANEIGZA + SNEEIKVN Angry monsters move faster
13 AAUILSPP Lots of bubble power
14 AANSIGTA + AESIPGTA Always wear turbo shoes
Bubble Bobble is a trademark of Taito America Corporation
Bubble Bobble II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEXEEALA 1 life--player 1
2 TEXEEALA 6 lives--player 1
3 PEXEEALE 9 lives--player 1
4 TEVATZLA 6 lives--player 2
5 PEVATZLE 9 lives--player 2
6 SZNOASVK Infinite lives--both players
7 LEXAUAPA + LESOZTPA Start each life with 3 hearts
8 IEXAUAPA + IESOZTPA Start each life with 5 hearts
9 OXXANUPX Blow bubbles further
10 IEKEGZPA Start on level 5
11 ZEKEGZPE Start on level 10
12 YEKEGZPE Start on level 15
13 GOKEGZPA Start on level 20
14 POKEGZPE Start on level 25
15 TOKEGZPE Start on level 30
16 AXKEGZPE Start on level 40
17 IXKEGZPE Start on level 45
18 ZUKEGZPA Start on level 50
19 YUKEGZPA Start on level 55
20 GUKEGZPE Start on level 60
21 PKKEGZPA Start on level 65
22 TKKEGZPA Start on level 70
23 LKKEGZPE Start on level 75
24 ASKEGZPA Start on level 80
Bubble Bobble II is a trademark of Taito.
Bucky O'Hare(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAELXYZA Start with 1 life
2 IAELXYZA Start with 6 lives
3 PAELXYZE Start with 10 lives
4 AEXGVYZA 1 life after continue
5 IEXGVYZA 6 lives after continue
6 PEXGVYZE 10 lives after continue
7 SZVKOTVG Infinite lives
8 TAOLKYGP Start with 1/2 energy
9 EPELVNKE Double Bucky's(tm) special energy
10 KZELVNKA Triple Bucky's special energy
11 KAEUXNGE All characters start with normal special energy
12 EPEUXNGE All characters start with 2x special energy
13 KZEUXNGA All characters start with 3x special energy
Bucky O'Hareis a trademark of Continuity Graphic Associates, Inc.
The Bugs Bunny(tm) Birthday Blow Out(tm) Game
1 SZVIGKVK Infinite lives
2 LAOANZTE Mega-jumping Bugs
3 AEOXPZGE Two hearts of energy gained on pick-up
4 PEOXPZGA Less energy gained on pick-up
5 ATNZALAL Stunned for longer
6 IPNZALAL Stunned for less time
7 AASAKOTL Use hammer when stunned
Bugs Bunny and Bugs are trademarks of Warner Bros.Inc.
Bugs Bunny(tm)--The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZOKGPVG Start with infinite lives
2 PAUGPAIA Start with 1 life
3 ZAUGPAIE Start with 10 lives
4 PXXTGGEN + PXXTAGAO Start with super rabbit punches
5 GXETZZEI Become invincible
6 GXKGZZEY Baddies go as fast as Bugs Bunny(tm)
7 GASGAAPA Make platforms invisible!
8 SZOKGAAX + PEXYVYAE Start on level 10
9 SZOKGAAX + LOXYVYAA Start on level 20
10 SZOKGAAX + IOXYVYAE Start on level 30
11 SZOKGAAX + YXXYVYAA Start on level 40
Bugs Bunny and The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle are trademarks of
Warner Bros. Inc. Used by Kemco Seika Corp. under license
Bump'n'Jump(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAVPNLGP Jump OK, even with no power
2 ZAUZAIPA Gain double power on every pick-up
3 AGVONLAA Jump OK at any speed
4 PANPNLIE Set jump OK speed to 190
5 LANPNLIA Set jump OK speed to 130
6 GEOAGGAA Start on scene 5
7 PEOAGGAE Start on scene 10
8 TEOAGGAE Start on scene 15
Bump'n'Jump is a trademark of Data East USA, Inc.
Burai Fighter(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEOLATIE Extra lives for Eagle level
2 AEOLPTGE Extra lives for Albatross level
3 TEOLZTLA Extra lives for Ace level
4 VNOTENVK Infinite lives
5 LAXTTPPA More power for weapons
6 ZAXTTPPE Maximum power for weapons
7 PASVTPZE Increase cobalt power picked up
8 VTVNIPSA Start with laser
9 VTNYPPSA Start with rotating pod
10 OUVNAXOO Never lose weapon power
11 KXNYLZSA Never lose speed up
12 KXVNYZSA Never lose weapons
13 KXNYPZSA Never lose rotating pod
Burai Fighter is a trademark of Taxan USA Corp.
BurgerTime(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSTVAVI Start game with infinite lives
2 AASGKLGE Start game with 8 lives
3 SLKIZYVI Start game with infinite peppers
4 APVGSLIA Start game with double peppers
5 GZVIAZEI Anti-gravity shoes
6 YPESOUGO Peter Pepper(tm) gets super speed
7 SZKNNIAX Fast play for experts
8 SXVSSXSU Monsters always move slowly
9 SXVSSXSU + GOVSVXAO Monsters move at double speed
10 SXVSSXSU + YOVSVXAO Monsters move at quadruple speed
BurgerTime and Peter Pepper are trademarks of Data East USA, Inc.
Cabal(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 UNUOTTNN 9 lives for players 1 and 2
2 UNUOTTNY 1 life for players 1 and 2
3 GXEOZZVI Infinite lives
4 KYVEOZUY Start with 20 grenades
5 NYVEOZUY Start with 50 grenades
6 AEUXSIPA Infinite grenades
7 GAVXNGGE Pick up more grenades
8 ZAVXNGGA Pick up less grenades
9 AKOPLZEG Shorter immunity
10 NNOPLLEK Longer immunity
Cabal is a trademark of Fabtek, Inc.
Captain Planet and the Planeteers(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PENVIGGA Start with 2 lives instead of 5, outside levels
2 PENVIGGE Start with 10 lives, outside levels
3 SXNLYVVK Infinite lives, outside levels
4 SZSUGVVK Infinite lives, inside levels
5 PAETITGE Start with 10 lives, inside levels
6 PAETITGA Start with 2 lives, inside levels
7 SZNXGXVK + SZVXPKVK Infinite power, outside levels
8 SXXXEUVK + SZEUGKVK Infinite power, inside levels
9 AANVAEGZ Start inside level 1 instead of outside.
Captain Planet and the Planeteers is a trademark of TBS
Productions, Inc. and DIC Enterprises, Inc.
Captain Skyhawk (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OZKAIGVK Infinite lives
2 PEUITIIA Start with 1 life
3 ZEUITIIE Start with 10 lives
4 OZXPUZVK Infinite Maverick missiles
5 OXKPVGVK Infinite Hawk bombs
6 LESITITA Start with half Hawk bombs
7 GOSITITA Start with 20 Hawk bombs
8 AESSZIZE Start with 8 Phoenix and Maverick missiles
9 GENXKGZA Double cost of Hawk bombs
10 GAXZKIZA Double cost of Phoenix missiles
11 ZAOZEIIE Double cost of Maverick missiles
Captain Skyhawk is a trademark of Milton Bradley Company.
Casino Kid II (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AZKKYOTG Start new game with $82 instead of $200
2 EGKKYOTK Start new game with $512
3 AZSGGPAA Start new game with $21,171
4 EGSGGPAE Start new game with $131,272
5 AASKPPAE Start new game with $1,342,377
6 AZSKPPAA Start new game with $5,368,909
7 PAOASGIE Can't double down in blackjack (game will say
you do not have enough money)
8 PAKAVIIE Can't split in blackjack (game will say you do not
have enough money)
Casino Kid II is a trademark of Sofel Corporation.
Castelian(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEVGYPLA Start with 1 life
2 TEVGYPLA Start with 6 lives
3 PEVGYPLE Start with 9 lives
4 SLOKZLVI Infinite lives
5 IAOGTZZA 5 continues
6 AAOGTZZE 8 continues
7 SZNXYAVG Infinite time
Castelian is a trademark of Triffix Entertainment Inc. and Rollogame
Castle of Dragon(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEVPULAP Stop skeletons from fighting
2 GEOGYZPA Enemies and you each fight faster!
3 ZPSLONLP Super strong monsters
4 SZVUSNVK No harm from most monster attacks
5 YNOLSYAE Infinite energy
6 NYXKLAGE Super energy
7 ZAXGLAAA Start with knives
8 LAXGLAAA Start with knives and mace
9 EAXGLAAA Start with armor
10 UAXGLAAA Start with armor, knives and mace!
Castle of Dragon is a trademark of Seta, USA, Inc.
CastleQuest(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXKAVIVG Infinite lives
2 ATSXATEY Infinite keys
3 LKUZTZZU 75 lives instead of 50
4 POUZTZZU 25 lives instead of 50
5 SXKNKLVG Don't lose life from 'reset' or 'back' options
6 SZOEIUVK Use sword (press 'B') as long as you like
7 XXOAZGYA Now you can move while using sword . . .
8 IAEEALYP Must use with Code 7 for perma-
nent sword-wielding ability!
9 GAXEGIZA + GAUEGIZA Supercharged speed-up
10 AAXEGIZE + AAUEGIZE Turbo fuel-injected 16-valve speed-up
CastleQuest is a trademark of Nexoft Corporation.
CastleVania(tm) Game
NOTE: You may notice some extra flicker on the screen. Try pressing
the RESET button to clear it.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OXNGLZVK Infinite lives
2 KZSSEZKA + KXESUZKA Weapons don't use power hearts
3 PANKXPGA + PANGSAGA Start with 1 life
4 AANKXPGE + AANGSAGE Start with 8 lives
5 AXOGOPIE Start with 40 power hearts
6 ASOGOPIA Start with 80 power hearts
7 SXXXYAAX Infinite time
8 GZOGYUSE Keep weapons after losing a life
9 ZEUTAYAA Gain rapid fire shots on weapon pick-up
CastleVania is a trademark of Konami Inc.
CastleVania(tm) II: Simon's Quest(tm) Game
1 SZSSYLSA Infinite energy
2 pasglila Start with 1 life
3 tasglila Start with 6 lives
4 pasglile Start with 9 lives
5 izskziai Start game with 25 hearts
6 iyskziai Start game with 75 hearts
7 aisktial Start with more energy
8 azsktial Start with less energy
CastleVania and Simon's Quest are trademarks of Konami Inc.
Championship Pool (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAOUYALA 1 foul loses the game (instead of 3)--
only in 10-ball in party mode
2 ZAOUYALA 2 fouls in a row loses the game--
only on 9- and 10-ball in party mode
3 SLNUKXSO Fouls don't count--only on 9- and
10-ball and rotation in party mode
4 SUOLXXSO Number of fouls is not cleared after a good shot (3
fouls don't have to be in a row to lose)--only on 10-ball in party
5 OZVETASX + AAVEYEST Player 1 always breaks in 9- or
6 OZVETASX + PAVEYEST Player 2 always breaks in 9- or
Championship Pool is a trademark of Mindscape Inc.
Chip 'N Dale(tm) Game
1 AOEITEEN Infinite energy
2 ATUEENSL Freeze mechanical bulldog
3 AVKAVNSL Freeze mechanical mice
4 AVOPTESL Freeze buzzer
5 AVNOLKSL Freeze buzz bomb
6 AVVPZSSL Freeze racket-rod
7 ATSOYKSL Freeze ditz
8 ATSPANSL Freeze hawk bomber
9 AVVOOUSL Freeze bouncing boxes
10 ZEXKNPTE Mega-jump
Chip 'N Dale is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company.
Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEUYIILA Both start with 1 life
2 ZEUYIILA Both start with 2 lives
3 GEUYIILA Both start with 4 lives
4 IEUYIILA Both start with 5 lives
5 GXKZKTVI Almost infinite lives--both
6 PEOYZILA Both start with 1 heart
7 ZEOYZILA Both start with 2 hearts
8 GEOYZILA Both start with 4 hearts
9 IEOYZILA Both start with 5 hearts
10 OUXLLEVS Infinite hearts--both
11 PANNAILA Start with 1 credit
12 ZANNAILA Start with 2 credits
13 TANNAILA Start with 6 credits
14 PANNAILE Start with 9 credits
15 NYNNAILE Start with 255 credits (ignore the counter)
16 OXUNGIVK Infinite credits
Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers 2 and related names are trademarks of
Chubby Cherub (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEAYZVG Infinite lives
2 SZEXIYSA Infinite power
3 AEOAAZZA Start with 1 life
4 IEOAAZZA Start with double lives
5 AEOAAZZE Start with triple lives
6 IEOALZPA + GEOAPZAA Start on Stage 5
7 ZEOALZPE + PEOAPZAE Start on Stage 10
8 GEVAKVAA Half regular power gained from food
9 PENXATZA Slow down power loss on the ground
10 LENXTVPA Slow down power loss in the air
11 ZANEVSUT Infinite Gau(tm) (shots)
12 AASXOAGE Double Gau (shots) on candy pick-up
Chubby Cherub and Gau are trademarks of Bandai America, Inc.
Circus Caper(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZEYPSSE Infinite energy
2 AASVNAZA Full energy from food
3 NNOTNLAE Start with lots of weapons
4 ZEVGGAPA Start on stage 2
5 LEVGGAPA Start on stage 3
6 GEVGGAPA Start on stage 4
7 IEVGGAPA Start on stage 5
8 TEVGGAPA Start on stage 6
Circus Caper is a trademark of Toho Co., Ltd.
City Connection (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNSTPVG Infinite lives
2 IEKEYIZA Start with double lives
3 AEKEYIZE Start with triple lives
4 SXKPZGVG Infinite oil
5 AXSAPIIA Start with extra oil
6 PEKEIIAA Start on level 1
7 ZEKEIIAA Start on level 2
8 LEKEIIAA Start on level 3
9 GEKEIIAA Start on level 4
10 IEKEIIAA Start on level 5
City Connection is a trademark of Jaleco USA Inc.
Clash at Demonhead(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VZSULOVV Don't die when power hits zero
2 VNNGNUSO Start with 1 of each item
3 AAEKVGAO + AEVZNPAO + ZAOGXGGA Start with 50% power
6 SXKZGSVS Infinite supply of all items bought
7 AVUGAGST All items in shop are free
8 TAUGKGKY + UPUGVKXO Start with extra cash!
Clash at Demonhead is a trademark of Vic Tokai, Inc.
Cliffhanger(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PASGVGLA Start with 2 lives
2 IASGVGLA Start with 6 lives
3 YASGVGLA Start with 8 lives
4 PASGVGLE Start with 10 lives
5 SXEKKSVK Infinite lives
6 SZVPOKVK Protection from most hits
7 PAKGUGLA Start with 1 continue
8 IAKGUGLA Start with 5 continues
9 YAKGUGLA Start with 7 continues
10 PAKGUGLE Start with 9 continues
11 ULOTSYTN Infinite continues
12 SUNPXXSO Don't burn money at campfire
13 AXOKNGAP Start with 2x life (does not show on meter)
14 AEOKNGAO Start with 1/2 life
15 VTVKVKSE Start with $100
16 VTVKUKSE Start with $10,000
17 VGVKUKSE Start with $650,000 (display shows $xx0000 until
you pick up first money bag)
18 YONKKXAP Some bags contain mega-money some contain zip
Cliffhanger is a trademark of Cliffhanger B.V.
Clu Clu Land(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXLILL Both players have infinite lives
2 GZPGSL Infinite time (stops timer)
3 PAGKGL Both players start with 1 life
4 APGKGL Both players start with 10 lives
5 TEYIGL Increase extra time
6 VTSKPLSA Player 2 has only 1 life
7 IEVISZZA Shoot more rays
8 AOVSOZAZ Shoot shorter rays
9 ASVSOZAZ Shoot longer rays
10 AASIAYGA Enemy can go thru gold bars
Clu Clu Land is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Cobra Command(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXUAAOVK Start with infinite lives
2 AAUVGZGA Start with 1 life
3 AAUVGZGE Start with 9 lives
4 GZSSNGST Become immune to weapon damage
Cobra Command is a trademark of Data East USA, Inc.
Cobra Triangle(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ENXTPVSA + LEXTZVAX Never lose your power-ups
2 SZUXZVVK Infinite continue options
3 SZEVNOVK Don't lose life for damage
4 SZVTSOVK Don't lose life for Time Out
5 VVXEAUSE + LOXEPLIP Gain an extra minute
6 SZEVNOVK + SZVTSOVK Infinite lives
Cobra Triangle is a trademark of Rare, Ltd.
Code Name: Viper(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZOVKNVK Infinite lives
2 PENTAGLA Start with 1 life
3 TENTAGLA Start with 6 lives
4 PENTAGLE Start with 9 lives
5 STVPVOON + AASOVZPA Infinite energy
6 GTETLIZL Start with double usual bullets
7 PPETLIZU Start with half usual bullets
8 GTOVEYZL Double usual bullets on new life
9 PPOVEYZU Half bullets on new life
10 VVNVGKSE Start with machine gun and 256 bullets
11 VTOTONSE Machine gun and 256 bullets on new life
12 GZOTONSE + GZEVVNSE Keep machine gun after dying
13 AAOXLZPA Infinite machine gun bullets
14 AENXZPPA Infinite bullets for your gun
15 SXKEVNOU + ONEOYEXN Upper level jump
Code Name: Viper is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.
Commando(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 EZEGNOVG Start with infinite lives
2 XVULASXK Start with infinite grenades
3 AEKKIILA Both players start with 1 life
4 TEKKIILA Both players start with 6 lives
5 PEKKIILE Both players start with 9 lives
6 AOSGIIIA Start with double rations of grenades
Commando is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.
Conquest of the Crystal Palace(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZVTAPAX Infinite lives
2 SXXTAIAX Infinite energy for Farron(tm)
3 GPEYUXTA Maximum energy without Life Crystal
4 GZXVPPAX + GZUTZPAX Don't use up money when buying
5 AAVIGTZA + PAVITTLA Super Jump without Flight Crystal
IMPORTANT: You must ALREADY have super jump FOR Codes 6 AND 7
6 IOUSLVTA Increase Super Jump to Mega Jump
7 IKUSLVTA Increase Super Jump to Super Mega Jump
Conquest of the Crystal Palace and Farron are trademarks of Asmik
Corporation of America.
Contra(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SLAIUZ Start with infinite lives
2 GXIIUX Keep weapons after losing a life
3 SLTIYG Become invincible--
enemies don't shoot at you
4 PEIIXZ Start new life with machine gun
5 ZEIIXZ Start new life with flame-thrower
6 LEIIXZ Start new life with
spread gun
7 GEIIXZ Start new life with laser
Contra is a trademark of Konami Inc.
Contra Force(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAUYTTLE Start all characters with 9 lives
2 TAUYTTLA Start all characters with 6 lives
3 PAUYTTLA Start all characters with 1 life
4 AANVIAPA Infinite lives--all characters
Contra Force is a trademark of Konami, Inc.
Cool World(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEKGYAZA + PAKZKYZA Start with 2 lives
2 TEKGYAZA + TAKZKYZA Start with 7 lives
3 PEKGYAZE + PAKZKYZE Start with 10 lives
4 GXUVTKVK Infinite lives
5 LEKKGAPA + LAVXXYPA Start with 3 erasers
6 TEKKGAPA + TAVXXYPA Start with 6 erasers
7 PEKKGAPE + PAVXXYPE Start with 9 erasers
8 AZNZEYAE Lots of erasers
9 LEVLGZPA Start with 3 bombs
10 TEVLGZPA Start with 6 bombs
11 PEVLGZPE Start with 9 bombs
12 SXSTOTVG Infinite bombs
13 SXVVKTVG Infinite erasers
Cool World is a trademark of Paramount Pictures.
Crystalis(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VVOGUOSE Start with some gold
2 NYVSPZGV First pupil gives you more gold
3 SXNOVXSE Magic doesn't use up M.P.
4 AASVVNYA Immune to poison
5 AEKTSNYA Immune to paralysis
6 TEOTVYGA Stronger poison
7 ZEOTVYGA Weaker poison
8 SZUOIVSE + SZKPLVSE Don't get charged for boarding at Inn
9 SXVPUOSE + SXVOOOSE Don't get charged for items in
Crystalis is a trademark of SNK Corp of America.
Cybernoid(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVZGOVK Start with infinite lives
2 NYEATXNY Start with 1 life
3 UYEATXNN Start with 5 lives
4 AAEATXNN Start with 18 lives
5 AZUALZGO + AXEXIPGO Start with double bombs
6 GOOZZPZA 20 'genocides' on new life
7 GPUETZPA + GOOZYPPA Start new life with 20 shields
8 GPKAZZIA + GOOXGPIA Start with 20 seekers and bouncers
9 SZNPVOVK Infinite bombs
10 SXEUSSVK Infinite 'genocides'
11 SXOPUSVK Infinite shields
12 SZNOLNVK Infinite seekers
13 NNOEPPAE Start with rear laser
14 GZKZZOSE Keep rear laser after death
15 GZKXAOSE + GZKZIOSE Keep mace after death
Cybernoid is a trademark of Gremlin Graphics, Inc. Used by Acclaim
Entertainment, Inc., under license.
Darkwing Duck(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PYSKXPLY Start with 2 lives
2 IYSKXPLY Start with 6 lives
3 AYSKXPLN Start with 9 lives
4 GZOGSUVK Infinite lives
5 AVUEUOSZ Infinite gas--if you avoid the "Go" missions
6 AVVNSOOG Infinite strength
7 IYEAKPAY More gas picked up
Darkwing Duck is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company Inc.
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVPTOVK Can't lose lives in rooms
2 SZUPLOVK Can't lose lives in elevator shaft
3 PENPIALA Start with 1 life
4 TENPIALA Start with 6 lives
5 PENPIALE Start with 9 lives
6 NYSXAOAN Oxygen used up more slowly in shaft
7 AYXXSNNY Oxygen used up more quickly in rooms
8 AAEPZIPA Won't take damage from shots and collisions
9 OZEPOISE + IAEPXSVI Start on level 5
10 OZEPOISE + ZAEPXSVS Start on level 10
11 OZEPOISE + YAEPXSVS Start on level 15
12 OZEPOISE + GPEPXSVI Start on level 20
13 VTNSEXSX Infinite bombs in elevator shaft
14 VVVSXXSX Infinite bombs in rooms
15 VVOSSXSX Infinite detonators in shafts
16 VTESNUSX Infinite detonators in rooms
17 VTEZIKSX Infinite keys in shafts
18 VVOXTOSX Infinite keys in rooms
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum is a trademark of Data East USA,
Days of Thunder(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 NYKNIUNO Start with more fuel
2 YIKNIUNO Start with less fuel
3 SXEYPUSU Faster acceleration
4 IEUNLLLA + SXEYPUSU Maximum acceleration
5 AAVOEXNY Tires don't burst
6 SNXOSKEY Better left-hand cornering
Days of Thunder is a trademark of Paramount Pictures. Used by
Mindscape Inc. under license.
Deadly Towers(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 LGXELPZU Start with 75 Ludder
2 GXSONPST You won't take any damage
3 ZEUPKYPE Pick up 1 Ludder--it becomes 10!
4 GOUPUYIA Pick up 5 Ludder--it becomes 20!
5 GXUGLVON Shopkeeper forgets to charge you
Deadly Towers and Ludder are trademarks of Broderbund Software,
Defender II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXTGEY Infinite lives
2 GXYSGI Infinite smart bombs
3 PELGNY Start with 1 life
4 TELGNY Start with 6 lives
5 PELGNN Start with 9 lives
6 YAZVPG + YETVIL Super speed
Defender II is a trademark of Williams Electronics Games, Inc. Used
by HAL America, Inc., under license.
Defender of the Crown (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAVVALGO Only 10 soldiers in your Garrison
2 AZVVALGO 40 soldiers in your Garrison
3 AAEOUPPA Soldiers for free
4 LAEOUPPA Triple the cost of soldiers
5 GAEOKOAA Halve the cost of knights
6 APEOKOAA Double the cost of knights
7 YAEOSOYA Halve the cost of catapults
8 ZAEOVPGO Halve the cost of castles
Defender of the Crown is a trademark of Cinemaware Corp.
Demon Sword(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AESVLTPA Infinite powers and lives
2 SXSIYASA Infinite lives
3 AEVSUIZA Start game with 1 life
4 IEVSUIZA Start game with 6 lives
5 AEVSUIZE Start game with 9 lives
6 SZKGTTSA Infinite life energy
7 PANZLPAA + ATNXAOSA Start on level 2
8 ZANZLPAA + ATNXAOSA Start on level 3
9 LANZLPAA + ATNXAOSA Start on level 4
10 GANZLPAA + ATNXAOSA Start on level 5
11 IANZLPAA + ATNXAOSA Start on level 6
12 XZNZGPSA + VEEZYOSE Start with 44 red spheres
13 XZNZGPSA + VEEXZOSE Start with 44 black spheres
14 XZNZGPSA + VANXLOSE Start with 44 fire spheres
15 XZNZGPSA + VANXTOSE Start with 44 lightning bolts
16 XZNZGPSA + VEEZPOSE Start with 44 power beams
17 VTVTAESX Phoenix ALWAYS rescues you
18 SLNNANSO Infinite fire/lightning/power beams on pick up
19 VTNXAOSE Extra dart strength
Demon Sword is a trademark of Taito America Corporation.
Destination Earthstar(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ISNEUUOP Less energy
2 NNNEUUOO More energy
3 PAVTXGLA Start game with 1 life
4 SXVSVIVG Infinite lives
5 XTNVSNXK Don't lose special weapon in sub game
Destination Earthstar is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment Inc.
Destiny of an Emperor(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEKPZZGT Buy 300 provisions for no money
2 AEKPIZYZ + AEKPTZAP Buy 30,000 provisions for no money
3 AENLULZL Dagger costs nothing
4 AEVLKGZL Bandana costs nothing
5 AENUKLGT Flail costs nothing
6 AEXLXGGT Robe costs nothing
7 AEXUOKGZ + AEXUXGPA Leather costs nothing
8 AEUUXLGP Elixir A costs nothing
9 AEXUVLGT Resurrect costs nothing
10 AEXLVUEG Steed costs nothing
11 AEEUKUEG Gullwing costs nothing
Destiny of an Emperor is a trademark of Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
Dick Tracy(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZXZEOVK Infinite hand gun bullets
2 GOEPIOZA More super punches on pick-up
3 SZKZIXVK Infinite super punches
4 GXVOINSV Infinite energy
5 AOVOGNAU Take more damage
6 SXVXZEVK Infinite machine gun bullets
7 SZEXIXVK Infinite tear gas
8 KYVZAANY Mega-jumping Dick Tracy(tm)
Dick Tracy is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company. Used by
Bandai America, Inc. under license.
Die Hard(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXEZTYSA Lose no life points when shot with pistol
2 SXOZIYSA Lose no life points when shot with submachine gun
3 SXXZLYSA Lose no life points when punched
4 PEOKIPAP Start with 1 life point instead of 16
5 ZEOKIPAP Start with 2 life points
6 GEOKIPAP Start with 4 life points
7 AEOKIPAO Start with 8 life point
8 GEOKIPAO Start with 12 life points
9 GOOKIPAP Start with 20 life points
10 SXOYYUSE Lose foot health very slowly
11 AEXGPOYA Start with no pistol shots instead of 15
12 IEXGPOYA Start with 5 pistol shots
13 ZEXGPOYE Start with 10 pistol shots
14 GOXGPOYA Start with 20 pistol shots
15 POXGPOYE Start with 25 pistol shots
16 ATNALXVG Infinite pistol shots
17 ATNEIXVG Infinite submachine gun shots
18 ATVEIZSZ Infinite shots on all guns
19 ENUYPOGL Run timer down at 1/4 normal speed
20 KUUYPOGL Run timer down at 1/3 normal speed
21 ANUYPOGU Run timer down at 1/2 normal speed
22 TOUYPOGU Run timer down at 2x normal speed
23 GOUYPOGL Run timer down at 3x normal speed
24 YEUYPOGU Run timer down at 4x normal speed
25 AVUNGPSZ Freeze timer
Die Hard is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
Dig Dug(tm) II: Trouble in Paradise(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZETIZEI Instant inflate and explode!
2 PEETOPLA Start with 1 life--both players
3 AEETOPLE Start with 8 lives--both players
4 SZXLSVVK Never lose lives from touching water
5 SXVKLVVK Never lose lives from Fygar's(tm) flame
6 SXNIPEVK Never lose lives from hitting enemies
7 OZNYPUPX + ZANYZLLA Turbo speed . . .
Dig Dug, Trouble in Paradise and Fygar are trademarks of Namco Ltd.
Digger T. Rock: The Legend of the Lost City(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAONOGAE Start with weapons
2 IAUGZUPA Less rocks on pick-up
3 SZEYTVVK Infinite rocks on pick-up
4 SXEUIUVK Infinite rope on pick-up
5 SXEXTEVK Infinite dynamite on pick-up
6 SXSYOPVG Infinite energy
7 SXVAYTVG Infinite lives
Digger T. Rock: The Legend of the Lost City is a trademark of Rare
Dirty Harry(tm) Game
1 SXUKOKVK Infinite lives
2 PANSGIIA 1 life
3 ZANSGIIE 10 lives
4 GXXGXGST Infinite energy
5 AEVLIPZA Maximum energy from Chili Dogs
6 ZESSTSPO + ZEVIZSPO Only 10 Magnum Bullets allowed
7 ZUSSTSPP + ZUVIZSPP 50 Magnum Bullets allowed
Dirty Harry and Anaconda are trademarks of Warner Bros. Inc.
Disney's Duck Tales(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXUIEKVK Infinite lives
2 ATVVXLEZ Infinite hit points
3 AAESULZA Start with 1 life
4 IAESULZA Start with 6 lives
5 AAESULZE Start with 9 lives
6 LAVTNLPA Lose half normal hit points (in easy game)
7 ZAXSKLIE + SXNIUKOU + SZNISESU Double usual time
8 OVUVAZSV Freeze timer
Disney's Duck Tales and Uncle Scrooge are trademarks of Walt Disney
Company. Used by Capcom USA, Inc., under license
Donkey Kong(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXNGOZVG Infinite lives
2 PENKNPLA Start with 1 life
3 PENKNPLE Start with 9 lives
Donkey Kong is a trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc.
Donkey Kong 3(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNKOPVI Start with infinite lives
2 PEEGITLA Start with 1 life
3 PEEGITLE Start with 9 lives
4 ZEKKGYEE Reduce the time for pros
5 ZAOSZAPA Normal spray more powerful
6 ZLOSLAAA Normal spray longer
7 AASSYPPA Spray cuts through baddies
8 AAKVZALL Normal bees explode
9 TEXKVGLA Speeding Stanley(tm)
Donkey Kong 3 and Stanley are trademarks of Nintendo of America,
Donkey Kong Classics(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXYAOP Infinite lives
2 PETANA Start with 1 life
3 TETANA Start with 6 lives
4 PETANE Start with 9 lives
5 AEVAVSIA Controllable jump
6 EAKOLSLG Keep hammer for longer
7 SZZGTP Infinite lives
8 PATLST Start with 1 life
9 TATLST Start with 6 lives
10 PATLSV Start with 9 lives
11 AEKGAUIA Controllable jump
13 EAVGVIAG Faster single vine climbing
14 PAXIPAIA Can fall onto platforms
Donkey Kong Classics, Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. are
trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.
Double Dragon(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAUNYLPA Freeze the timer countdown
2 AEUTLZZA Start game with 1 life
3 IEUTLZZA Start game with 6 lives
4 AEUTLZZE Start game with 9 lives
5 XTKNXEZK More energy for player 2 or the CPU
6 XTKYOEZK More energy for player 1
7 AZUYZLAL Timer will count down fast
8 APUYZLAL Timer will count down super-fast
Double Dragon is a trademark of Tradewest, Inc.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AASVETGE Player 1 starts with 8 lives
2 AAVVSTGE Player 2 starts with 8 lives
3 PASVETGA Player 1 starts with 1 life
4 PAVVSTGA Player 2 starts with 1 life
5 SZXAYKVS Never lose lives from falling
6 SXOANXVS Never lose lives from low energy
7 SZVESUVS Never lose lives from water
8 LAUTXTAA Start on mission 4
9 IAUTXTAA Start on mission 5
10 TAUTXTAA Start on mission 6
11 PAUTXTAE Start on mission 7
12 NNEVOIAE Slow down gameplay
Double Dragon II: The Revenge is a trademark of Technos Japan
Corporation. Used by Acclaim Entertainment Inc., under license.
Double Dragon III--The Sacred Stones(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUUPAAX Protection for Billy(tm), Jimmy(tm) & Chin(tm)
2 GVEPXGGI More energy for Billy & Jimmy
3 GVEOXKZG More energy for Ranzou(tm)
4 ZXEPXGGS Less energy for Billy & Jimmy
5 IXEOXKZG Less energy for Ranzou
6 ZUEONGGT Less energy for Chin
7 AAELIGPA + GZXUPUVS Infinite 'special' weapons for all
8 GOOPKGIA Start with 20 special weapons for BIlly, Jimmy &
9 AXOPKGIE Start with 40 special weapons for Billy,
Jimmy & Chin
10 AXOONGGO Start with 40 special weapons for Ranzou
11 OZVLGASX More powerful punch and weapon, and high kick!
Double Dragon III--The Sacred Stones, Billy, Jimmy, Chin and Ranzou
are trademarks of Technos Japan Corporation.
Used by Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. under license.
Dr. Chaos (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 LTKKVPZL Start with more energy
2 PPKKVPZU Start with less energy
3 PASKSPAA + ZISKNPLG Start with Shield Suit
4 AEEGUZLE Mega-jump
5 GXKIKIST Immune to damage
6 AKSSKIGP More invincibility time
7 GESSKIGP Less invincibility time
8 OVKIKISV + PEKISIGY Take minimal damage
9 TVOSSITG + AEOSKIYA Take more damage and Shield Suit has
no effect
10 GZEYEEVK Infinite pistol bullets
Dr. Chaos is a trademark of Fujisankei Communications
International, Inc.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZXVTKVK + GZXTTSVK Complete invincibility!
2 KENLKVSE Start with 16 coins
3 GXNLKVSE Keep coins from previous games
4 NXNSZEOO Instant game restart
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a trademark of Bandai America, Inc.
Dr. Mario(tm) Game
1 GZNEVIVT Vitamin capsules don't fall
To complete a vertical (upright) line:
2 GEXPYGLA 5 in a row needed instead of 4
3 IEXPYGLA 6 in a row needed instead of 4
4 TEXPYGLA 7 in a row needed instead of 4
To complete a horizontal (flat) line:
5 GAKPPZLA 5 in a row needed instead of 4
6 IAKPPZLA 6 in a row needed instead of 4
7 TAKPPZLA 7 in a row needed instead of 4
When two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2-
player game:
8 AUVONUAO More pieces sent across to other player
9 GXXOZGVT + GZKPGZVT No pieces sent across to other
Dr. Mario is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.
Dragon Power(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVOSZVG Start with infinite energy
2 EAXAILGT Start with extra energy
3 KAOETLSA Start with 24 Wind Waves
Dragon Power and Wind Waves are trademarks of Bandai America,
Dragon Warrior(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOIVLSA Infinite Magic Power(tm)
2 AEVGUIZA Take no damage in swamp
3 VVOYYTSA Start with 256 gold coins
4 VKOIVLSA All spells use only one magic point
5 YAKKEVYA Barriers cause half usual damage
Dragon Warrior and Magic Power are trademarks of Nintendo of
America, Inc.
Dragon Warrior II(tm) Game
Prince of Midenhall
1 ZUKLUSGP Start with 50 hit points
2 LVKLUSGP Start with 99 hit points
3 AXKLOIIE Start with 40 strength points
4 ASKLOIIA Start with 80 strength points
5 AXKLXIGE Start with 40 agility points
6 ASKLXIGA Start with 80 agility points
Prince of Cannock
7 ZUKLNSYP Start with 50 hit points
8 LVKLNSYP Start with 99 hit points
9 AXKLSIGE Start with 40 strength points
10 GUKLSIGE Start with 60 strength points
11 TOKLVIGE Start with 30 agility points
12 GUKLVIGE Start with 60 agility points
13 AXKUEITE Start with 40 magic points
14 GUKUEITE Start with 60 magic points
Princess of Moonbrooke
15 ZUKUUIAZ Start with 50 hit points
16 LVKUUIAZ Start with 99 hit points
17 POKUOIZE Start with 25 strength points
18 ZUKUOIZA Start with 50 strength points
19 AXKUXITO Start with 40 agility points
20 AXKUKSGO Start with 40 magic points
Dragon Warrior II, Prince of Midenhall, Prince of Cannock and
Princess of Moonbrooke are trademarks of Enix of America Co. Used
by Nintendo of America Inc. under license.
Dragon Warrior III(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 NYUOYPZU King gives 255 gold
2 PASPZPAA King gives mega-gold
3 YTVUGZYE Player starts with increased strength and/or
attack power
4 VYVUGZYE Player starts with greatly increased strength
and/or attack power
5 LTNLPZIA Player starts with increased agility and/or defense
6 NYNLPZIE Player starts with greatly increased agility
and/or defense
7 LTNLTZYA Player starts with increased vitality and/or hit
8 NYNLTZYE Player starts with greatly increased vitality
and/or hit points
9 LTNULZTA Player starts with increased magic,
maximum magic points and/or intelligence
10 NYNULZTE Player starts with greatly increased magic,
maximum magic points and/or intelligence
11 ZVELAZGA Player starts with increased luck
12 VNELAZGE Player starts with greatly increased luck
13 LTVUIZPA Wizard starts with increased strength and/or
attack power
14 VYVUIZPE Wizard starts with greatly increased strength
and/or attack power
15 ZTNLZZGA Wizard starts with increased agility and/or
16 NYNLZZGE Wizard starts with greatly increased agility and/or
17 ZTNLYZZA Wizard starts with increased vitality and/or
maximum hit points
18 OPNLYZZE Wizard starts with greatly increased vitality
and/or maximum hit points
19 LTNUGXPA Wizard starts with increased magic, intelligence
and/or maximum magic
20 LVELPZZA Wizard starts with increased luck
21 VNELPZZE Wizard starts with greatly increased luck
22 ZTVUTZLA Pilgrim starts with increased strength and/or
attack power
23 VYVUTZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased strength
and/or attack power
24 ZTNLLZGA Pilgrim starts with increased agility and/or
25 LTNUAZLA Pilgrim starts with increased vitality and/or
maximum hit points
26 VYNUAZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased vitality
and/or maximum hit points
27 LTNUIXAA Pilgrim starts with increased magic and/or
28 VYNUIXAE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased magic and/or
29 ZVELZZLA Pilgrim starts with increased luck
30 VNELZZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased luck
31 LTNLAXPA Soldier starts with increased strength and/or
attack power
32 VYNLAXPE Soldier starts with greatly increased strength
and/or attack power
33 ZTNLIZZA Soldier starts with increased agility and/or
34 LTNUZZYA Soldier starts with increased vitality and/or
maximum hit points
35 IAOZENNY Start with 6 battle-axes
36 TAOZENNY Start with 6 broadswords
37 YAOZENNY Start with 6 wizard's wands
38 YAOZENNN Start with 6 demon's axes
39 GPOZENNY Start with 6 multi-edge swords
40 IPOZENNY Start with 6 staffs of force
41 TPOZENNY Start with 6 swords of illusion
42 APOZENNN Start with 6 falcon swords
43 AZOZENNN Start with 6 armor of radiance
Dragon Warrior III is a trademark of Enix Corporation.
Dragon Warrior IV(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ATVATGSL Take no damage from monsters and
lose no MP--all party members
Chapter 1 Codes:
2 POSOAPZU Start with 25 gold
3 GVSOAPZL Start with 100 gold
4 NNSOAPZU Start with 255 gold
5 AIXOZAYS Start with lots 'o gold
6 YEEXYXLO Start with 15 hit points
7 GVEXYXLP Start with 100 hit points
8 NNEXYXLO Start with 255 hit points
9 LNKPLONY Start with final key
10 TEKPLONN Start with metal babble sword
11 LOKPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
12 PEKPLONN Start with thorn whip
13 AKKPLONY Start with shield of strength
14 LKKPLONY Start with dragon shield
15 LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
16 TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN Start with metal babble sword and
17 LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
18 PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY Start with thorn whip and
19 AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite armband
20 LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 2 Codes:
21 ZUSOPPGT Start with 50 gold
22 NNSOPPGV Start with 255 gold
23 AIXOZAYS Start with lots of gold
24 GVOZAZAP Alena(tm) starts with 100 hit points
25 NNOZAZAO Alena starts with 255 hit points
Item Codes for Alena:
26 LNKOZONY Start with final key
27 ZOKOZONN Start with fire claw
28 LOKOZONY Start with multi-edge sword
29 PEKOZONN Start with thorn whip
30 LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN Start with final key and fire claw
31 LEKOLONN Start with boomerang
32 LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
33 PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY Start with thorn whip and demon
34 AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY Start with shield of strength
andmeteorite arm band
35 LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Item Codes for Brey(tm):
36 LNUPLONY Start with final key
37 TOUPLONN Start with magma staff
38 LOUPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
39 PEUPLONN Start with thorn whip
40 AKUPLONY Start with shield of strength
41 LKUPLONY Start with dragon shield
42 LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN Start with final key and magma
43 LEUPGONN Start with boomerang
44 LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
45 PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon
46 AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite arm band
47 LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Item Codes for Cristo(tm):
48 LNOOLONY Start with final key
49 TEOOLONN Start with metal babble sword
50 LOOOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
51 PEOOLONN Start with thorn whip
52 AKOOLONY Start with shield of strength
53 LKOOLONY Start with dragon shield
54 LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
55 TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN Start with metal babble sword and
56 LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
57 PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon
58 AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite arm band
59 LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 3 Codes:
60 AOEXTZGP Start with 16 hit points
61 GVEXTZGP Start with 100 hit points
62 NNEXTZGO Start with 255 hit points
63 GVSOZPAA Start with 100 gold
64 NNSOZPAE Start with 255 gold
65 UNUOLONY Start with final key
66 LEUOLONN Start with metal babble sword
67 TOUOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
68 LEUOLONN Start with thorn whip
69 PKUOLONY Start with shield of strength
70 AKUOLONY Start with dragon shield
71 LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
72 TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN Start with metal babble sword and
73 LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
74 PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon
75 AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite arm band
76 LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 4 Codes:
77 GVEXLZZP Nara(tm) starts with 100 hit points
78 GVEXGZAP Mara(tm) starts with 100 hit points
79 NNEXLZZO Nara starts with 255 hit points
80 NNEXGZAO Mara starts with 255 hit points
Item Codes for Nara:
81 LNXPLONY Start with final key
82 TEXPLONN Start with metal babble sword
83 LOXPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
84 PEXPLONN Start with thorn whip
85 AKXPLONY Start with shield of strength
86 LKXPLONY Start with dragon shield
87 LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
88 TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN Start with metal babble sword and
89 LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
90 PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon
91 AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite arm band
92 LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Item Codes for Mara:
93 LNXOPONY Start with final key
94 TOXOPONN Start with magma staff
95 LOXOPONY Start with multi-edge sword
96 PEXOPONN Start with thorn whip
97 AKXOPONY Start with shield of strength
98 LKXOPONY Start with dragon shield
99 LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY Start with final key and chain sickle
100 TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN Start with metal babble sword and
101 LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN Start with multi-edge sword and
wizard's ring
102 PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY Start with thorn whip and demon
103 AKXOPONY + ASXOZONY Start with shield of strength and
meteorite arm band
104 LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 5 Codes:
105 LNOPIONY Start with final key
106 PXOPIONY Start with zenithian sword
107 GKOPIONY Start with zenithian shield
108 YUOPIONY Start with zenithian armor
109 LKOPIONN Start with zenithian helmet
Dragon Warrior IV, Alena, Cristo, Nara and Mara are trademarks of
Enix Corporation.
DragonStrike(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GPKZGEAZ Less energy for bronze dragon
2 AIKZGEAZ More energy for bronze dragon
3 TPKZIEGU Less energy for silver dragon
4 AIKZIEGL More energy for silver dragon
5 ZZKZTAAS Less energy for gold dragon
6 ITKZTAAI More energy for gold dragon
7 OTKGSYSV Infinite energy
8 GZKKNNSE Weapon power doesn't weaken with energy
9 TTXGIALT Gold dragon has excellent armor class
10 YGXKAAPG Gold dragon flies faster
11 ATXGYAGV Silver dragon flies faster
12 YIXGTALI Bronze dragon flies faster
DragonStrike is a trademark of TSR, Inc.
Dragon's Lair(tm) Game
1 AAXITVNY Infinite lives
2 NNXSGSUY Start with 2 lives
3 KNXSGSUN Start with 7 lives
4 NNXSGSUN Start with 10 lives
5 PEUIGIAA Start with axe
6 ZEUIGIAA Start with fireball
7 PANSZIAA Start on level 2
8 ZANSZIAA Start on level 3
9 LANSZIAA Start on level 4
10 SXKYUOVK + SXVYXOVK Infinite candle energy
11 IAVNPYAP Less energy gained on pick-up
12 YZVNPYAP More energy gained on pick-up
13 AEXSGEKY Protection!
Dragon's Lair is a trademark of Bluth Group, Ltd.
DuckTales 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZXGZGVG Infinite lives
2 APONPXAA Take more damage
3 GAONPXAA Take less damage
4 ZAONPXAA Take very little damage
5 ASNKPAAL Start with full energy
6 AONKPAAL Start with a lot less energy
7 PAXSPZAA Have lots of money
8 IEKSPLPA $5,000 cash from small diamonds
9 PEKSPLPE $9,000 cash from small diamonds
10 AAEKAPZA Start with 1 life
11 IAEKAPZA Start with 6 lives
12 AAEKAPZE Start with 9 lives
DuckTales 2 is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company.
Dungeon Magic(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OVVLGLSV + ZEVLIUYL Take less damage
2 SXVLTLSA Take no damage except from scorpions
3 GTKIITAA Start with 100 gold pieces
4 ZAKIITAA + PGKSGTAG Start with 512 gold pieces
5 PXSTLZPG + AXSTYZAG Stay at the Inn for free
6 PXUVXTPG + AXUVVTAG Items at Grocer's shop are free
7 PXENPLPG + AXENILAG Items at Armory are free
Dungeon Magic is a trademark of Taito America Corp.
Dynowarz--The Destruction of Spondylus(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PANSAEPX + GZNITAVG Mostly invincible
2 ATSIOGSZ No harm from spikes
3 AAVNVPLA No harm from any dinosaur
4 AVNTNKXA Infinite shield
5 TAXGLPPA Start at level 2
6 ZAXGLPPE Start at level 3
7 TAXGLPPE Start at level 4
8 ZPXGLPPA Start at level 5
9 YEXIYLLA Mega-jump power
10 LANSIZPA Speed up left and right
Dynowarz--The Destruction of Spondylus is a trademark of Bandai
America, Inc.
(You Are Here) Code Manual for N.E.S.(A-thru-D)
game Genie codes, For NES: (E-through-O)
Galoob: game Genie codes, for Nintendo 8 Bit, (P-thru-Z)
--- go to the 3rd party site, hosted by Devo
or, the upcoming website from D & D Blazers
Also try a great new 3rd-Party website:
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